Today is the birthday of Claude Bernard (Jul 12, 1813 – Feb 10, 1878), a French scientistwho was the first to publish an accurate description of the physiology of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning:
Plympton, MA – “When the carbon monoxide detectors went off in Jackson Randall’s house last month, the 7-year-old knew exactly what to do.
“I went to my meeting place and I got out of the house,” Jackson said.
Jackson learned about fire safety plans at Dennett Elementary, then had his family implement their own escape plan.”
Canary safety- check out how specially designed mining cages like this one helped save canaries’ lives if they were exposed to dangerous carbon monoxide (CO)
We are excited to be kicking off our annual CO awareness effort in local elementary schools as part of Fire Prevention Week! This year will include hands-on activities focused on the lifesaving value of CO alarms at both Mint Valley Elementary and Robert Gray Elementary…followed by a free CO alarm distribution event at the Longview Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 12, 2019. A big thank you to the principals and teachers at these schools for their participation…and to our local business sponsors (who will be recognized here on our website as well as our Facebook page) who make this project possible.
Join us at the Longview Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 13, 2018, 10:00am – 2:00pm. Stop by our table – kids can meet Airy the Canary and learn how carbon monoxide alarms can save lives at home and when traveling. Wondering what a canary has to do with carbon monoxide alarms?  Find out about that too!
Families of students who attend school in the Longview School District are eligible to receive a free carbon monoxide alarm at this event!  Be sure to bring your completed Airy the Canary Alarm Voucher (found in the Fire Prevention Week bag your student received at school from Longview Firefighters, or click here to print one) and plan to arrive early as there are a limited number of alarms available* Download the flyer for more information and an alarm voucher here.
Hope to see you there!
*alarms are being provided through a partnership between The Jenkins Foundation, Safe Kids, and The Jeffrey Lee Williams Foundation and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis – one per family, please