Nonin Medical Announces FDA Clearance of the CO-Pilot Wireless Handheld Multi-Parameter System
“CO-Pilot can assist in the clinical assessment of carbon monoxide poisoning allowing first responders to make treatment decisions at the scene or on the way to a hospital.“
Army Corps of Engineers reports an increase in adult drowning at its lake and river projects this summer
Infographic: All you need to know about CO
Lost lives by generator, motel & asthma make CO & pollution villainous
Residential boilers recalled due to carbon monoxide poisoning after injuries reported
CO Safety Association (COSA)
Sharing this link to COSA…a great resource for anyone working in the HVACR industry and/or if you are just looking to learn more about testing and monitoring of CO
ON THIS DAY: May 10, 1924, Liberty Tunnels fill with deadly fumes, 33 people overcome
PITTSBURGH, Pa. — “When the Liberty Tunnels opened on March 23, 1924, they marked the beginning of a transformation that would define the South Hills. Heralded as an engineering marvel, they had a potentially fatal flaw that would be revealed just two months later.”
Boating Safety Friday
#BoatingSafetyFriday: Carbon monoxide can accumulate anywhere in or around your boat. Every boater should be aware of the risks associated with carbon monoxide to protect everyone aboard.
CO can accumulate in inadequately ventilated canvas enclosures, blocked exhaust outlets, and at slow speeds, while idling, or stopped.
Learn more:
Stay safe!
What Does Shortness of Breath Feel Like? Doctors Explain This Coronavirus Symptom
“Shortness of breath can be caused by a number of things, according to the American Lung Association…when shortness of breath comes on quickly, it can signal emergency situations like carbon monoxide poisoning”
How to KNOW if your symptoms are due to CO? Have CO alarms on every level of your home and near every sleeping area. If they alert to the presence of CO (4-beep pattern), immediately get out side to fresh air and call 911.
Earthquake damage reports keep flowing in…Salt Lake Valley
“Building owners should be especially concerned about brick chimneys…Inspect the chimneys for loose bricks. If the chimney provides ventilation for a fireplace or appliances such as furnaces or water heaters, make sure it still vents…also encourage building owners to ensure they have a working carbon monoxide detector.”
Utah recovering, assessing damage after 5.7 magnitude earthquake
“A major issue right now is that some masonry chimneys might have shifted. If a masonry chimney provides ventilation to someone’s home, it might have damage that’s not clearly visible — and carbon monoxide from the home might not exit properly.”
U.S. Rep. Angie Craig Introduces Life-Saving Legislation After Constituents Suffer Near-Fatal CO Poisoning in Hotel
“Today, U.S. Rep. Angie Craig introduced the Safe Stay Act, which would require the installation of carbon monoxide detectors in each hotel and motel room across the country. This legislation comes after learning that two of her second district constituents were hospitalized with serious illnesses due to near-fatal carbon monoxide levels in their Michigan hotel room.”
Rick Mast – CO Poisoning in NASCAR
Thousands in Military Community Poisoned by Carbon Monoxide over a Decade, Study Finds
“Around 6,400 troops and their family members were poisoned by carbon monoxide in the past decade, a military health study has found. Some 24 service members died from breathing the colorless, tasteless, odorless and deadly gas.”
911 and county commission sued over carbon monoxide calls
Kingwood, WV –
Consumer Reports tests portable generators with automatic CO shutoff
Marblehead, MA, woman turning grief over her parents’ death into action
“Susan C. Livingston turned her grief over her parents’ (Sherry Penney and James Livingston) deaths last May into advocacy by working with longtime friend and state Rep. Lori Ehrlich to push for legislation mandating engine shutoff software for keyless ignition vehicles.”
Hotels – A Hidden Source of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Forbes – by Judy Stone, MD
A unique look at what it’s like to be poisoned by carbon monoxide in your hotel room. Thankfully these victims survived, however their experience highlights some of the many unaddressed questions of CO safety in hotels…namely, who is watching out for us when we check in?
Woman says her ventless gas fireplace put her at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning
“California and other cities on the East Coast and Texas have passed laws restricting or banning vent-free models, requiring gas fireplaces to have outdoor vents — though older homes in those cities and states may still have them.”
The Canary In The Coal Mine Isn’t Ancient History
Indiana Governor Signs New Residential Building Code
Staying Safe Through The Winter – Carbon Monoxide, The Silent Killer
Forbes – By Judy Stone, MD
Bosch Thermotechnology Recalls Buderus Boilers Due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Hazard
Vermont-New Hampshire CO Alliance Summit handout 11-6-2019
Carbon Monoxide Poisonings in Hotels and Motels: The Problem Silently Continues
Neil B. Hampson, MD; Kristina L. Hauschildt, BS; Lindell K. Weaver, MD; Kayla Deru, BA
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Motels, Hotels, and Resorts (1989 – 2004)
Lindell K. Weaver, MD; Kayla Deru, BA
Diffusion of Carbon Monoxide Through Gypsum Wallboard
Cherry-red skin not a reliable indicator of CO poisoning CO Poisoning Without Cherry-Red Livor Cherry-Red Discoloration in CO Poisoning
Challenges in diagnosing CO poisoning Subacute CO Poisoning: Another Great Imitator CO Poisoning, A Diagnosis Frequently Overlooked Carboxyhemoglobin Levels in Patients with Flu-Like Symptoms Emergency Dept Screening for Unsuspected CO Exposure
Myth busting in carbon monoxide poisoning
It’s time! Check and change your CO and smoke alarm batteries
CO from portable generators is a killer. Has enough been done to stop it?
Times have changed…the danger of CO hasn’t…
Check out this 1928 US Bureau of Mines silent film, “Carbon Monoxide Hazard from Automobile Exhaust”
Project Airy the Canary 2019
We are excited to be kicking off our annual CO awareness effort in local elementary schools as part of Fire Prevention Week! This year will include hands-on activities focused on the lifesaving value of CO alarms at both Mint Valley Elementary and Robert Gray Elementary…followed by a free CO alarm distribution event at the Longview Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 12, 2019. A big thank you to the principals and teachers at these schools for their participation…and to our local business sponsors (who will be recognized here on our website as well as our Facebook page) who make this project possible.
Carbon Monoxide Poisonings in Hotels and Motels: The Problem Silently Continues
Just published in Preventive Medicine Reports…The Jenkins Foundation’s spreadsheet of hotel CO incidents helps add to 30 years (1989-2018) of published, publicly accessible data regarding CO poisoning in U.S. hotels. Thanks to leading CO researchers Dr. Neil Hampson, Dr. Lindell Weaver, and Kayla Deru, victims of these incidents now have a collective voice in the effort to bring attention to the to lack of universal requirements for CO detection in hotel buildings.
Ellington kid inventor wins award for CO fan alarm
Great story!
Consumer Reports: New safety feature on portable generators could save lives
Alarm Yourself in CPR/First Aid – Jenkins Foundation
Kicking off year two of our pilot project with the Longview School District: Alarm Yourself in CPR/First Aid! Continuing this school year, Longview School District employees attending district-provided CPR/First Aid classes will be learning about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning along with receiving a free CO alarm to take home and/or to use when traveling.
Thank you to the Jeffrey Lee Williams Foundation for partnering with us to provide this lifesaving opportunity in our community, and to Longview School District and CPR class instructor Steve Pitts (Be Ready Outfitters) for supporting the project. Carbon monoxide alarms save lives.
Carter’s bill to prevent CO poisoning passes House subcommittee
Carter’s bill to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning passes House subcommittee
NFPA Handout (with links)
Carbon Monoxide Poisonings – Is a Silent Killer Lurking in Hotel Rooms?
NFPA Conference & Expo – June 2019
For more information about the Jenkins Foundation, please visit our website and Facebook page:
Spreadsheet – U.S. Hotel/Motel Carbon Monoxide Incidents 1967 – to date
Interactive map of spreadsheet data
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at Motels, Hotels, and Resorts (1989 – 2004)
Lindell K. Weaver, MD; Kayla Deru, BA
Cherry-red skin not a reliable indicator of CO poisoning
Diffusion of Carbon Monoxide Through Gypsum Wallboard
Neil B. Hampson, MD; Todd G. Courtney, BS; James R. Holm, MD
Myth busting in carbon monoxide poisoning
Neil B. Hampson, MD
For more information on the cases featured in this presentation:
Daryl & Shirley Jenkins/Jeannie & Jeffrey Williams
2013 – Boone, NC
Bruce & Joan Plagman/Betty & Mary Bishop
1967 – Boston Heights, OH
Walt & Molly Weber
1995 – Mammoth Lakes, CA
A Normal Life: A Sister’s Odyssey Through Brain Injury by Lyrysa Smith
Boughter Family
2006 – Ocean City, MD
Bryan Douglas-Watts
2017 – Niles, MI
David & Patricia Ivie
2017 – Perryton, TX
Why Are Guests Still Dying from Hotel Gas Leaks?
CPSC recalls Viessmann boilers due to CO hazard
6 years later…remembering Daryl and Shirley Jenkins ❤️ 4.16.2013
Six years ago today, Daryl and Shirley Jenkins lost their lives to CO poisoning in a hotel room while on vacation in Boone, NC. In memory of them and the thousands of other victims who have been injured and/or died in U.S. hotels of this very preventable cause, we shared a series of four posts on The Jenkins Foundation Facebook page…
New map showing the Carbon Monoxide Poisonings at Motels, Hotels and Resorts in the U.S.
An interactive map of the data contained in our spreadsheet of U.S. Hotel/Motel Carbon Monoxide Incidents (1967-to date) can be found at Insight Risk here.
Thank you to Patrick Smith, PhD, for creating this map – it’s a great resource to see the incident information from a visual perspective. Read More >
Navien recalls tankless water heaters and boilers due to risk of CO poisoning
Families Get Free CO Alarms at Longview Fire Dept. Open House
There was a huge turnout Saturday for the 1st annual Project Airy the Canary free CO alarm distribution event held at the Longview Fire Department Open House! Airy greeted lots of Mint Valley Elementary students who helped us remind their parents that when you hear 4 beeps from your CO alarm, you need to get outside to fresh air and call 911! Over 100 families of Longview School District students redeemed their Airy the Canary Alarm Vouchers for a free CO alarm! A big thank you to Safe Kids and the Jeffrey Lee Williams Foundation for helping to coordinate this event, and to the following local businesses and individuals whose financial support helped us provide the free alarms: Cascade Natural Gas, Dream Dentistry, Monticello Park, Civic Center Properties, Hollinger Family, State Farm offices of Scott Fischer and Bob Beal, Mary’s Bar & Grill, and Lori McDaniel.